And no, I couldn't do Blogtober without doing everyone's favorite, The Nightmare Before Christmas. Ever since 1993, it has the ultimate Halloween classic. It is also probably the crowning film of Tim Burton's career. Even I remember watching it for as long as I can remember! If you haven't thought about why it's so loved, I'd say it's time you begun!
Once upon a time, there lived the land of Halloween, called Halloween Town. The town is lead by Jack Skellington, AKA The Pumpkin King. Halloween has just ended, and Jack is now tired of doing the same thing every year. When Jack stumbles upon Christmas Town, Jack wants to try it for himself. Now Halloween Town is busy preparing for Christmas, and Jack has Santa Clause get kidnapped. Will Jack be able to see his error and save Christmas?
When people think of holidays meeting, most are guaranteed to think of The Nightmare Before Christmas. Tim Burton created the film after seeing an exhibit that had Halloween and Christmas joined together. No two holidays are more fun to mess with than Christmas and Halloween. This is because they are the most popular. Not to mention that these holidays basically contradict each other. Halloween kind of promotes the forces of evil and all things spooky. Christmas is the time for caring and sharing and celebrating the birth of our beloved Savior.

A word concerning music: The Nightmare Before Christmas has one of the best Halloween soundtracks ever. Let's face it: It's awesome! If it's not James Horner (May he rest in peace) you look up to, it's the one and only Danny Elfman. Originally from the bad Oingo Boingo, Danny Elfman is Tim Burton's #1 music man. The sound track to The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of the reasons why we love it so much!
Do you agree with this? What's your favorite song or music from this film? Be sure to check out my stories at and to like, comment, share, and follow to always come back for more Enchanted Tales of Film!