Right now we're going to go over the starting story to one of today's most popular fantasy worlds. It's name: Middle Earth. This is a world unlike any other, consisting of elves, dwarves, orcs and goblins, and hobbits. Before J.R.R Tolkien came around, Hobbits were not in existence.

Corruption is a theme in both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. In The Hobbit, we have a poor creature poisoned by a golden ring, a greedy dragon that stole an entire kingdom only for its wealth and gold, and then men, dwarves, and elves fighting each other for those riches. In The Lord of the Rings, it's mostly the fight for power. Ever wondered why Bilbo and his nephew Frodo were more resistant to the Ring? It's because hobbits are so humble and content with a simple lifestyle of weed and drink that they are not power-hungry or corrupt.
A word concerning race: Both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings reflect our own human behavior of racism. The elves in Middle Earth consider themselves to be the "wisest and fairest" of all beings, although some are more humble than others. The same can be said for dwarves. The dwarves, especially Thorin, can be extremely prideful if not stubborn. This could be one reason why the dwarves and orcs are enemies: that simple yet unfortunate concept of one race thinking themselves better than another.

I also find that Kili and Tauriel's total interaction with eachother was not enough for us see why they feel the way they do. What does Tauriel see in Kili? Your thoughts on this are welcome in the comments! (No swearing, please. :) )
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