Friday, November 11, 2016

The TV People: Poltergeist (1982)


    Halloween has ended here in America, and I didn't really get around to posting anything for the season. I suppose now is as good a time as any, so the Halloween flick we're going to look at right now is none other than Steven Spielberg's Poltergeist from 1982. I'm not going to lie, this movie freaked me out a little bit when I was younger. But I watched it again about a year or two ago, and it became one of my favorites.  Last year in 2015, a remake also entitled Poltergeist was released. From what I've seen of the remake, I like Steven Spielberg's better. Let's consider reasons reasons why:

      Once upon a time, there lived the Freeling Family in a community in California known as Questa Verde. They appear to be a very happy and loving family. There's Stephen, a real estate man, his wife Diane, their teenage daughter Dana, their young son named Robert, and their youngest daughter, 5-year-old Carol Anne. One night, the family finds Carol Anne loudly talking to the TV. In the few days that follow, the Freeling Family experience what seem to be supernatural occurrences, such as furniture moving by itself and strange behavior from the pets. Before they know it, Carol Anne has mysteriously disappeared. Will they be able to find her, or have they lost their home and their little girl to a poltergeist?

       The thing about Poltergeist is that is really is creepy. It only starts to get creepy at the part of the film when things go wrong. Before Carol Anne disappeared, the family wasn't all that concerned. Now they're scared out of their wits. One thing that can be noticed is that once the terrors begin to unfold, the film is able to let you know when something really evil is present. This changes the atmosphere to give even an innocent childrens' room a unsafe feeling. In one scene when the closet is sucking up everything in the kids' room, you can hear small bits of laughter. I found that as you hear that laughter and see toys flying into the closet at the same time, the joyful aura that the toys are supposed to have felt exaggerated, and therefore creepy as well. 

     Poltergeist has great special effects, and there was no use of CGI when making the film. With all of the scary things that go on in the movie, none of it looks cartoonish. Most of the time, the horrors of the film are separated from the outside world. This is because all of it is taking place inside the Freeling home. When there are scenes that aren't happening in the house, the whole story still looks real, making it all the more suspenseful and frightening. It may even be better than the remake. Regardless, Steven Spielberg's Poltergeist will always be a spooky classic.

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