A lot of the time, we are taught that each of us are special. But no one asks, "what do you mean by 'special' ?" Disney-Pixar's The Incredibles's kind of special seems to be mostly that of super powers.

The film makers to this film used a common technique of color. In the beginning of the film that's set in the glory days, they use a ton a hot colors like red, orange, and yellow. But in the present time where the rest of the film is set, there's a lot of gray and lighter colors. This compares the feelings of our characters' lives during those two different times. By the climax of the film, the color schemes have combined, which make the the supers stand out from the "normal" world.

Now we need to break this down: A lot of us are told that we "shouldn't care what other people think." It's harder to do that when the people that frown on the supers force them into hiding. Once the supers are allowed to be themselves, they truly shine. The same concept can be applied to those who don't have super powers. Essentially, you don't have to be super to be special, and you don't have to be special to be super!
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