Monday, September 21, 2015

If OUAT characters had a different career

       We all know how much we love ABC's Once Upon A Time. ADMIT IT! Not to mention we know what each character does for a living in our world. But what if our favorite OUAT characters had different job in our world? Let's see: 

Snow White: Child Counselor
Snow White, (AKA Mary Margaret Blanchard) is a teacher in Storybrooke, and appears to be good with kids. But why a child counselor? Well, Snow White has had one of the hardest childhoods on the show. Plus Snow White's kind and cheerful disposition makes her just the right person to help troubled children. 

Prince Charming: Child Psychologist
AKA David Nolan, also has a good way with kids like his wife. This can be supported with one particular scene. One night, Henry wakes up from a nightmare. David is the only one in the house at the time. He comforts Henry with a lit candle, saying it will take away the nightmare.  David also appears to be easy to open up with and is non-intimidating. ..............We love David. 

Mr. Gold (AKA Rumpelstiltskin): Accountant
As the #1 deal-maker in all the realms, Mr. Gold is obviously a man for business. After centuries of deals and bargains, he surely must have started keeping track of things. If the Dark One can't be good, the least he can do is be organized! 

Zelena (The Wicked Witch): Waitress
Ah, the Wicked Witch, an extremely hard woman to please. But for some reason, as long as she doesn't get jealous, Zelena can work with people. So for some weird reason, I was able picture her perfectly as a waitress. What else could you see her as?

:D Isn't he gorgeous?
 Robin Hood: Weapons Specialist
Throughout time, the legendary bandit who robs from the rich to feed the poor has seen many battles. Many of them being run-ins with the Sheriff of Nottingham. If you've seen Robin Hood, you've seen him with bows and arrows and swords. In our world, however, it's guns and fists. After that, Robin Hood is the expert on how to defend yourself in all the realms. 

What other characters could you see with new jobs/careers? Be sure to tell me in the comments 'cause this is the first time The Enchanted Tale of Film will be using comments to make another set of If OUAT characters had a different career! Be sure to like, comment, share, and follow to always come back for more enchanted tales of film!



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