Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Stardust: A star falls, the chase begins.

        Today we look at another one of my favorite fantasy movies. Stardust is a little more well known and based on the book by Neil Gaiman. And of course, it's yet another fantasy-romance adventure. Surprised? Well so am I!

         Once upon a time, in a town in England called Wall, a young man by the name of Tristan Thorn passes over the wall, that divides our world from the magical land of Stormhold, in order to retrieve a fallen star for the girl he loves. Once he finds where it landed, all he discovers is a stranded girl. Her name is Yvaine. As they go on the journey back to Wall, they find no star is safe in Stormhold. For a witch knows she has fallen, and is now out hunting her. Will Tristan be able to keep Yvaine out of the hands of evil?

           Yes, fantasy stories are different from one another. But I have to say Stardust is something else as well. After all, it's not that typical "prince saves the princess" kind of thing. Although something along those lines does happen in the movie. Oh yes, that sounds very magical.

           In Stardust there is a romance different from most others. If there's anything that doesn't describe Yvaine and Tristan's first meeting, it's love at first sight. On top of that, Tristan loved another girl before he found Yvaine- or so he thought. I like how we see Tristan and Yvaine's love develop throughout the film. They go through multiple dangers and have disagreements because of their differences. Different sleep hours, for example. In the end, Tristan and Yvaine give their hearts to each other. And the heart of a star is extremely valuble, you know.

         A word concerning the antagonists: Our villains are three witches, the main one being Lamia, and later a prince. The witches' one and only goal is to remain young and beautiful forever. That points to one thing: They're in denial! Hate to break to you ladies, but no one lives forever. Deal with it.  As for the prince, he is just as greedy as any other prince of Stormhold. The throne of Stormhold must pass to a male heir. (Just like in every other kingdom.) In this case it's the Hunger Games: Fantasy style. The king shall offer up his sons as tributes and be put in a battle to the death until a lone victor remains. This shall be none as: MESSED UP. 

           So as the story goes, no man can live forever. Except he who possesses the heart of a star. Would you give your heart to someone if you were a star? Stardust gives a certain perspective on the hearts and love of mankind.

           What's your opinion of Stardust? Be sure to like, share, comment, and follow and  always come back for more enchanted for tales of film!  




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